Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Flash is going to live.

Last week I had to take Flash to the vet because he has had a huge lump on his foot for a few months. When all was said and done, his vet bill was more than my dang paycheck! Anyway...Dr. Christy called this morning to let me know that the test results show the lump is just an infection that should clear up after 2 weeks of antibiotics.
I really wish that vet would have tried antibiotics first before she did the testing. Would have saved me a bunch of $$.
Dogs are so expensive! My cat has cost me a whopping $80 in vet bills her entire 10 year life - but this dog...we have had him about a year and a half and he has cost us over $1000! I am too scared to figure out the real total. I am grateful it isn't anything more serious though.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting too Big

Today as we were sitting in church I noticed that my family was really crammed. We have all gotten so big that I think we may need to start sitting in the middle rows! Then I looked over at the middle rows and saw one man who 5 years ago when he and his family joined our ward was big. I'd say back then he was one of the largest men in the ward...but now...he has totally lost a ton a weight. I don't even think he is big anymore. He is normal size! But me and Darrell just got bigger and bigger.
So that is it. 2009 will be the year Darrell and I get it together. I am going to join Curves as soon as I have the money to pay for it. I don't know what Darrell is going to do for exercising since we quit YMCA 2 months ago cause there were always a bunch of scary people hanging out by the entrance and I really didn't like having to deal with that on the way in. But, I doubt we would have gone anyway because we are just l.a.z.y.
Anyway, my goal for 2009 is to lose 52 lbs. Just one lb a week should be achievable right? If I lose more than yeah me. I have no more excuses. Not pregnant, not having chemo, doing better on my depression thanks to my lovely "Happy Pills." So as my Mom used to say...I got to get my rear in gear.
So if anyone wants to join Curves with me or be a Walking or Diet buddy with me let me know. I need all the help I can get!